Join the Social Innovation Hub (SIH) Community
About you
Tell us a bit about yourself and how we can connect with you
First Name
Last Name
Pronouns (optional)
Phone Number
Email Address
Which best describes your role in the social innovation ecosystem?
Community Researcher
Start-up Founder
Employee of a Community Organization
If you selected "other", please let us know what best describes your role in the social innovation ecosystem.
Please tell us about the community organization you represent (mandate, connection to social innovation, etc.).
Please tell us about your start-up (industry, impact, stage of development, people, etc.).
Please briefly describe your research
Please briefly describe your work
Please briefly describe your studies
About your interest in the Social Innovation Hub
In this section, tell us more about the supports you need and how we can help
How did you hear about the Social Innovation Hub?
Have you connected with any other parts of the innovation ecosystem at the University of Calgary? If so, in what capacity?
Within The Social Innovation Hub, we're busily building out offerings in service to social innovators. How might the Social Innovation Hub support you, specifically (e.g. are you looking for a mentor or advice, would like more information on our programming, just want to be introduced, etc.)?
Are there any other ways in which you'd like to be involved in the Social Innovation Hub (e.g. as a collaborator on future Hub offerings, as an expert advisor, etc.)?
Would you like to stay up to date on news and events related to the Social Innovation Hub through our e-mail list
Contact Information